Where can I find the text book for the Mastery Program?

Created by Daree Johnson, Modified on Sun, 28 Jan 2024 at 11:04 PM by Daree Johnson

The Mastery Program is broken up into 4 parts and each part has it's own textbook. 

To access the textbook download:

  • Go to Part 1 (2,3 or 4) under the Mastery Program in the menu

  • There are 3 tabs at the top - click on Downloads

  • Scroll down and the first download is for the Textbook

  • Click on the download to begin the process

Depending on your device and settings, it's possible that you won't receive a notice or indication that the download is successful. Before hitting the button multiple times, take a quick look to see if you can find the file in your downloads or the place that your downloads normally go. If not, then try again.

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