How Do I Find My Mastery Program & Group Coaching on Milan Art?

Created by Catherine Hill, Modified on Tue, 25 Jun 2024 at 09:13 AM by Daree Johnson

Q: How can I access all of the Mastery Program lessons?

To view all of the Mastery Program lessons, ensure you are signed into Once signed in:

  1. You will see a menu on the left side.
  2. Scroll down until you find the Mastery Program Library.
  3. Under this section, you will see Part 1 (Lessons), Part 2 (Lessons), Part 3 (Lessons), and Part 4 (Lessons). These four tabs contain all your Mastery Program lessons.
  4. Begin with Part 1 (Lessons) and proceed through each lesson in order.

Q: How do I access group coaching included in my tuition?

A: If you signed up for the Mastery Program after February 1st, group coaching is included in your tuition. To access group coaching:

  1. Scroll further down in the menu to find Mastery Program Coaching.
  2. You will see parts 1 - 4.
  3. Post in the group that corresponds with the part of the program you are currently working on.
  4. In the "Events" tab, you will find the available times to choose from for your weekly Zoom call.

Note: If you are accessing the program and coaching from the Milan Art app:

  1. Sign into the app.
  2. Click on the Milan Art Logo in the bottom left corner to open the menu.

Happy painting! 

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